Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Toddler Cuisine

Toddler Cuisine: 
Pink Piggy Breakfast!
For months I have been trying different ways to get my rambunctious 2 1/2 year old daughter to eat her food! I have found that she actually (to my surprise!) loves healthy food! The problem is, she doesn't want to sit still long enough to eat it! Sooooo, I've been seeing all these cutesy, themed food ideas for toddlers... I'm sure you've seen them: trucks, flowers and everything in between... And I'm sure you thought the same thing I did: Ain't nobody got time for that! BUT I WAS DESPERATE!!! Sooooo.... I decided to try it and see what happened. This is what I found...
1. It didn't take as long as I thought! (About 5-10 mins!) Just a few minutes more than usual!
2. I can make a variety of things out of things I already had on hand. of all...
3. My picky daughter Ate. Every. Last. Bite. ! (And LOVED it!)
Here is my first "creation", and how I did it...

Pink Piggy Breakfast
 1. Spread out the contents of one yogurt cup in the shape of a circle (mine was pink: strawberry banana).
2. Slice one strawberry into 4 pieces, place for ears and two together for nose.
3. Slice one grape in half lengthwise and place for eyes.
5. 4 chocolate chips, one on each eye and two for nostrils.
6. One cup of mandarin oranges. Place one or two for mouth, and line the plate edge with the rest!


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